HL/SL Inspector(Integrity Team)

日期: 2025年3月8日

地点: 深圳, 广东, CN

公司名: Bureau Veritas

 Job Summary 

  • 对腐败零容忍,禁止任何腐败行为。有很好的职业操守 Zero tolerance for corruption and prohibition of any corrupt practices. Have good professional ethics
  • 能够检验HL/SL产品依据客人的要求和BV的操作规范。(Able to inspect  Hl and/or SL products as per client’s requirements and BV SOP
  • 能够使用英文阅读资料、文件,并写报告。(able to read technical files, client’s files, BV files and write report in English)
  • 能够胜任出差工作。(Able to travel to work)

Job Responsibility

  • 能够服从上级安排的日常检验工作和出差工作。(Able to follow the routine inspection work and adapt to travel and outdoor work arranged by manager
  • 能够独立完成现场HL/SL产品检验工作(或者经过培训后能够胜任此项工作)(Able to perform on site HL/ SL products inspections independently (or be qualified for this job after training)
  • 能够按照客人和公司要求完成检验工作,规范操作。(Able to complete inspections as per client’s requirement and BV SOP, standardize operation)
  • 能够客观公正的反映实际验货情况。(Able to objectively and fairly reflect the actual inspection situation)
  • 有好的沟通表达能力,坚持原则。(Good communication skills, adhere to principles)
  • 有好的英文基础,能读懂客人和公司的英文文件,并用英文书写报告。(Good English ability, able to read client and BV English technical files and write reports in English)
  • 现场遇到的诚信问题及时反馈给部门经理,工作中遇到的技术问题及时与技术主管反馈沟通。(If meet any integrity issues on site inform to integrity manager timely , if meet any technical issues communicate with technical supervisor for discussing timely)

Required Skills 

  • 本科及以上学历。HL工科专业,SL纺织专业。(Bachelor degree or above. HL engineering major, SL textile major.)
  • 英语4级以上,有很好的读写能力。(CET 4 or above, good reading and writing skills in English)
  • 年龄约为25-30岁。(Age is approximately 25-30 years
  • 有相关HL/SL验货经验优先,HLSL均能验者优先。无不良职业背景。(Relevant HL/SL inspection experience is preferred, and both HL and SL inspection are preferred. No adverse occupational background.
  • 熟悉基本办公软件。(Basic knowledge of computer application in relevant software)